Repeater - VE3TJU
VE3TJU is the primary analog voice repeater of the Prince Edward Radio Club. It operates on a frequency of 146.730 with an offset of -600 Khz and a 118.8Hz sub-audible tone.
With much appreciation by the members of the club, the repeaters location, power and Internet are provided the The County of Prince Edward.
The repeater has an autopatch, battery backup and generator to support Emergency Communications to Prince Edward County and area. These are provided by and maintained by Doug VE3ZDG.
The repeater is open to all amateurs in the area with priority given to Emergency Communications.
The coverage area includes all of Prince Edward County as well as Trenton, Belleville, Brighton and east to Napanee. The repeater is situated in the municipal building at Picton Airport.
The repeater also supports AllStar, EchoLink, IRLP, DVSwitch and Autopatch.
There are a number of nets available on the repeater. The list of nets and times can be found here.
The repeater room was moved on August 10th, 2021. An update set of photos will be provided shortly.