Bay Bridge Hub
Bay Bridge Hub
(Node 547730)
(Node 547730)
The AllStar Bay Bridge Hub is operated jointly by the Quinte and Prince Edward Radio Clubs. Equipment, hosting and Internet services provided by Dave VE3UGT. The purpose of the hub is to connect the clubs repeaters and other repeaters in the eastern lake Ontario area.
The AllStar Bay Bridge Hub is operated jointly by the Quinte and Prince Edward Radio Clubs. Equipment, hosting and Internet services provided by Dave VE3UGT. The purpose of the hub is to connect the clubs repeaters and other repeaters in the eastern lake Ontario area.
The Hub also supports Echolink (VA3RRC-L) and DVSwitch.
Current Status
Current Status
Current AllStar Node 547730 status.
Status from Supermon.
Connected nodes Bubble Chart and Map.
How to Use
How to Use
The Bay Bridge Hub is a non-RF node so there are no RF DTMF Commands.