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Net Controller Preamble
Note: This is only a recommendation. Net controller are free to change.
Good evening and welcome to the Bay Bridge Net.
Your net controller for tonight is(call sign) (name) in (location) on (repeater).
This is an informal net that meets at 7:30 pm every Tuesday evening using the facilities of VE3RTR, VE3KFR, VE3QAR, VE3TJU and other linked repeaters.
We invite all amateurs to participate.
This net has 2 rounds allowing check-ins to comment on what has been said.
Before continuing is there any emergency or priority traffic? Please call now.
Note: This for emergency traffic that might occur on emcomm net or anyone having information that might affect the net.
I will take check-ins starting with mobiles then to anyone wanting to do a quick check in/check out and finally open the net to all stations, giving priority to mobiles.
When checking in please give your call sign phonetically, and then your name and location.
Are there any mobiles wishing to check in? Please call now.
Note: Go through the mobile check-ins first as the mobiles may go out 0f range.
Is there anyone wishing to do just a quick check-in / check-out or mobiles please call now.
Note: Go through the "Quick In and Outs" next before opening to all stations.
Is there anyone wishing to do just a quick in {repeater}
Note: When opening the net to all stations it is best to divide check-ins by repeater as to as not to get overwhelmed by check-ins and doubles. I divide them up as follows. I'll also change the order.
(1) QAR Belleville
(2) TJU Picton
(4) Anyone anywhere or anyone I've missed.
Note: Repeat call to same repeater if there are some doubles otherwise move on.
Note: Repeat calll to Anyone/Anywhere until you here nothing.
Are there any base stations wishing on (repeater) wishing to check in? Please call now.
Note: Go Through List.
Note: You can ask for more check-ins part way through list if is a long list. If mobiles check-in give them priority. "Is there anyone else wishing to check into the net before we continue on with the list.".
Note: Don't forget to give your name and call sign every 30 minutes.
Note: At end of list ask for more check-ins: "Is there anyone else wishing to check into the net before we go to the second round." Run thought list of new check-ins. Ask again until you hear none.
Note: At the end of the second round and after there is no more check-ins or rechecks shut down the net.
At {time} this concludes this Bay Bridge Net.
Thank you for participating.
This is (call sign) returning the repeater to normal amateur use.
73 Everyone
Note: Record End Time and send list to Dave VE3OX if needed.