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Emergency Communications

The Prince Edward Radio Club can provide backup emergency communication services to the Province of Ontario, municipalities, relief organizations, and persons whether or not an emergency has been declared.   

Emergency Operators

Emergency operators may or may not members of the club but will operate under the clubs Emergency Coordinators direction.  Operators in addition to being licensed amateur radio operators, will also have as a minimum, ARRL message handling training, knowledge of how to work in a directed net, and provincial IMS-100 training.  All emergency operators have had police background checks.


The club will make available on a priority bases its VHF commercial grade repeater system located in Picton.  The repeaters footprint covers Prince Edward County and beyond. The system has both battery and generator backup emergency power for continuous operations. The repeater is linked into the local telephone system for both incoming and outgoing communications. The repeater is located in Prince Edward County at Base31.  

Emergency operators will  provide their own equipment for both local and long distance communications. Emergency operators will also train on and test equipment supplied by municipal governments and relief organizations. 

Mutual Support

The emergency communication service also includes providing and receiving mutual support from other local emergency communications groups in the Loyalist district in the event of extended emergencies.

For more information please contact Doug Monk VE3ZDG at ec@peradioclub.ca.