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Scheduled Nets
The following are a list of nets that are currently active on the VE3TJU Repeater and the Bay Bridge Hub. All times are either Eastern Standard Time (-5hrs UTC) or Eastern Standard Daylight Time (-4hrs UTC), which ever is in affect.
Bay Bridge Net - Tuesday Nights at 7:30pm. This is a social net with 2 rounds and the weekly RAC Ontario Section Bulletin.
Bay Bridge Morning Net - Daily, 7 days a week at 10am. This is a social net with 2 rounds but without the RAC Bulletin.
Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Net Friday at 7:00pm.
Trans-Canada Net - Sundays at 1:00pm.
Canwarn/Procom Net - Thursdays and Sundays at 8:00pm.
Net Controller Guides
The following are guides for the Bay Bridge and Bay Bridge Morning Nets.
Bay Bridge Net Controller Schedule
Bay Bridge Morning Net Controller Schedule
Net Controllers Guide To AllStar