Bulletin Board

Unofficial Monthly Meeting 

 Thursday Sept 12th, 2024 7:30pm

Via Zoom Only

An E-mail with a link will be sent to all PERC and QARC members.

If you wish to attend remotely and did not get the link please contact the Secretary.

QARC/PERC Field Day 2023


Courtesy of Robert VA3KRJ 

QARC/PERC Field Day 2023 Results


Entry received at: 2023-06-29 00:34:11

Call Used: VE3RL GOTA Station Call: (NONE) ARRL/RAC Section: ONE Class: 3A

Participants: 20 Club/Group Name: Quinte & Prince Edward Radio Clubs

Power Source(s): Battery, Solar

Power Multiplier: 2X

Preliminary Total Score: 1,996

Bonus Points:

  100% emergency power                        300

  Public location                             100

  W1AW Field Day message                      100 - Documented by FD 2023 Message.doc

  Entry submitted via web                      50

Total bonus points                            550

Score Summary: (Cabrillo log/dupe sheet file: VE3RL  Cabrillo 2023.log)

               CW  Digital Phone Total

   Total QSOs 209   53    199

Total Points 418   106   199   723   Claimed Score = (QSO points x power mult) = 1,446

Submitted by: Al Law, VE3FZ   allaw44@gmail.com

Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:

            CW      Digital  Phone

         QSOs Pwr(W)  QSOs Pwr(W)  QSOs Pwr(W)


        80m 18   100                39   100

        40m    114   100                113  100

        20m 76   100 46   100 33   100

        15m 1   100  1    100 14   100

        10m              6    100         








      TOTAL   209       53      199

Net Control Schedule for 2024

Net Controllers: The 2024 Net Control Schedule has been posted here.