AllStar DVSwitch App

The AllStar DVSwitch App is now supported on both VE3TJU repeater node (Node 51001) and now the VA3RRC Bay Bridge Hub (Node 547730).   

If you would like to connect to VE3TJU or VA3RRC via AllStar using the DVSwitch app the following are the setup parameters to use.  To get the password contact the club.  The same password is used on both nodes.  The DVSwitch app is available for Android.

VA3RRC - Bay Bridge Hub (Node 547730)



             Port: 4569

         Username: PERC or PERC-Guest

         Password: ****** contact the club to get the password.

         CallerID: <Your Call Sign>

    Caller Number: <Leave Blank> 

             Node: 547730

   Transmit Level: Leave Default about 75% or adjust as needed.

    Receive Level:  Leave Default 100% or adjust as needed.

    Code Types: Server Selected. 

VE3TJU - Picton Repeater 146.730- 118.8 (Node 51001)


             Port: 4572

         Username: PERC or PERC-Guest

         Password: ****** contact the club to get the password.

         CallerID: <Your Call Sign>

    Caller Number: <Leave Blank> 

             Node: 51001

   Transmit Level: Leave Default about 75% or adjust as needed.

    Receive Level:  Leave Default 100% or adjust as needed.

    Code Types: Server Selected.